1.1 These General Terms and Conditions are issued by EUROCOC, s.r.o. with registered office at Žižkova 7803/22B, 811 02 Bratislava – Staré Mesto, Slovak Republic, incorporated in the Companies Register of City Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 46925/B, Identification No.: 36 804 339, VAT No.: SK2022416968, e-mail: info@eurococ.eu, tel.: +421 233 221 404.
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) shall apply to relations between EUROCOC, s.r.o. and the customer that ensue from the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate, under which EUROCOC, s.r.o. as the Provider (hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”) undertakes to provide and deliver the Certificate to its customer (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), and the Customer undertakes to pay the agreed-upon amount (hereinafter referred to as “Contract on the Provision of a Certificate” or “contract”). For the avoidance of any doubt, the Provider acts as an intermediary, i.e. provides a Certificate from an authorized manufacturer or dealer.
1.3 The subject matter of the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate shall be the provision of any of the following:
1.3.1 certificate of conformity (COC) for an imported vehicle in accordance with §5 of Act No. 725/2004 Coll. on the Terms and Conditions for Operating Vehicles in Road Traffic as amended or a Certificate for an incomplete vehicle. The COC is a document that is issued by the producer that confirms that the produced type of vehicle fulfils all the technical requirements prescribed for the type approval of EC; or
1.3.2 attestation as a document issued by the representative of the producer providing full details about the registration of the vehicle; or
1.3.3 car history report, which can be ordered together with the COC
(hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Certificate”).
1.4 In the event that the Provider and Customer do not conclude a special written contract on the provision of a certificate, the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate shall be concluded as a distance contract via the electronic transaction system maintained by the Provider at www.eurococ.eu (hereinafter referred to as the “web page”) that is specified in greater detail in Article II of these Terms and Conditions.
1.5 These Terms and Conditions describe the detailed rights and duties of the Provider and the Customer under the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate, and constitute an inseparable part of the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate in their amended form, and are binding for both parties.
1.6 The Customer is a natural person with legal capacity or a legal entity that has sent an electronic order for the delivery of a Certificate processed by the web page system after its own authorisation.
2.1 Electronic order means a sent electronic form containing identification data of the Customer and the specification of the vehicle for which a Certificate shall be provided, such order shall be processed by the web page system of the Provider (hereinafter referred to as an “electronic order”). The last step of the approval of the electronic order shall be considered to be a binding proposal of the Customer to enter into the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate.
2.2 By sending an electronic order, the Customer confirms that it fully agrees and accepts the communication in electronic form, mainly via electronic post and the Internet, as being valid and binding for both parties.
2.3 Each electronic order must include the following:
a) name and surname or business name of the Customer, e-mail address, residence or the registered office, or the delivery address, if not the same as the residence or the registered office, telephone number, invoicing data, and VAT No. in the case of a legal person – VAT taxable person;
b) type of vehicle, make of vehicle, Vehicle Identification Number (hereinafter referred to as the “VIN number of the vehicle”);
c) term of provision and price for provision of the Certificate, including costs of delivery;
d) the electronic order must also include other data if this is mentioned with respect to a particular make (number of typological approval, colour of the vehicle), or documents related to the subject-matter of the order if required by the producer of the Certificate (copy of vehicle registration certificate, copy of purchase contract, copy of the identification card of the Customer, and photograph of the approval label);
e) method of delivery of the Certificate.
2.4 An electronic order that does not include all the data mentioned in Clause 2.3 hereto shall not be taken into account as a binding proposal to conclude a contract and, in such case, the Provider only announces the reasons to the Customer that its electronic order has not been accepted.
2.5 The Contract on the Provision of a Certificate between the Customer and the Provider shall be concluded upon the approval of the electronic order on the part of the Provider by the e-mail of the Provider addressed to the Customer (this e-mail shall be delivered to the Customer no later than the next business day following the electronic order) and upon payment of the price. The obligation of the Provider to obtain the Certificate arises only on the condition of the total remittance of the payment to the Provider. The term of delivery of the Certificate starts from the day of payment remittance.
2.6 By sending the electronic order according to Clause 2.1 hereto, the Customer further:
a) confirms familiarity with these Terms and Conditions and acceptance thereof without any reservation; and
b) confirms that, for the purpose of concluding the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate, fully agrees and acknowledges the electronic form of communication, in particular through electronic mail (e-mail) and internet, as valid and binding on both parties;
c) grants its consent with the release and receipt of invoices in electronic form, i.e. electronic invoice; and
d) the Customer (natural person/consumer) confirms that it has been duly advised on consumer rights under Act no. 108/2024 Coll., on consumer protection and under Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights, in particular, that the Customer has no right of withdrawal from the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate as a distance contract subject matter of which is the supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications;
e) grants an unconditional consent to the processing and use of its personal data in accordance with the Act. 18/2018 Coll., on protection of the personal data and General Data Protection Regulation, which data will be used in compliance with our Privacy Policyonly for needs of the Provider and the needs in connection with processing of the Customer order.
3.1 The Provider shall have the duty:
a) to deliver the Certificate to the Customer according to the parameters entered in the electronic order;
b) to provide a Certificate to the Customer complying to the best knowledge and belief of the Provider with the regulations and orders valid in the states of the European Union territory by the process of registration of the vehicles;
c) to provide a tax document to the Customer in electronic form;
d) to enter electronic orders into the system, and to handle such orders sequentially;
e) to provide the Certificate to the Customer in the shortest period possible under the conditions stated in Clause 7.4 hereof.
3.2 The Provider reserves the right:
a) to proper and timely payment from the Customer prior to the provision of the Certificate;
b) to the technical shut down of the system and maintenance that may cause the temporary unavailability of the web page eurococ.eu;
c) to withdraw from the contract, if the Customer does not remit the payment within the pre-set time limit;
d) to refuse the order, if the Customer has any outstanding liabilities from previous periods towards the Provider at the time of the electronic order entry;
e) to withdraw from the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate in the case of the unavailability or non-existence of the Certificate, or impossibility to perform the order, whereby the Provider shall not be responsible for any damages occurred to the Customer by the inability to obtain the Certificate.
4.1 The Customer shall have the duty:
a) to provide factual data in the order;
b) to attach documents to the order as required for its processing;
c) to pay for the provision of a Certificate in a proper and timely manner that is agreed upon by the parties;
d) to remit the payment for the provision of a Certificate by the maturity date specified in the invoice, in the case that the Provider and Customer have agreed upon this payment method;
e) to update its personal and invoice data in the event of a change thereof by e-mail to info@eurococ.euor by changing such data directly in the personal virtual account kept at eurococ.eu;
f) to ensure the trouble-free take-over of the Certificate delivery under the conditions stated in Clause 7.8 hereof.
4.2 The Customer shall have the right to a refund of the remitted payment in the case of the unavailability or non-existence of the Certificate for the particular vehicle, or if it is not possible to perform the order; in such a case, the Provider shall return the payment to the Customer without undue delay, at latest within 14 days, in the same manner as the payment was remitted.
4.3 The Customer (natural person – consumer) has no right of withdrawal from the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate, which is a distance contract for the provision of a service concluded according to the Act no. 108/2024 Coll., on consumer protection and the Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights, the subject matter of which is the supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications.
5.1 Registration of the Customer at the web page of the Provider is optional, and is performed by creating a personal account of the Customer.
5.2 The Customer must at least specify its name and surname or the business name, e-mail address, and password for the registration, and update the identification data if such changes.
5.3 If the Customer provides complete registration data, such data will serve as a basis for the Provider, and the Provider will use such data to process the orders and tax documents, unless the Customer notifies the Provider of other data for a particular order.
5.4 A personal virtual account of the Customer will be created after successful registration; the access data that must be confirmed by the Customer by clicking the registration confirmation link will be sent to the e-mail address of the Customer.
5.5 Setting up an account will allow the Customer to order without having to fill in its details each and every time when making a COC order. Personal data and other settings can be changed at any time via e-mail or in the “Data change” section after signing into the Customer’s account. If the Customer wishes to cancel the registration, it is necessary to e-mail info@eurococ.eu.
6.1 Payment for the provision of a Certificate may be remitted via:
a) payment by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club);
b) PayPal – electronic payment service (paypal.com);
c) bank transfer to the account of EUROCOC, s.r.o. as displayed on the web page.
6.2 Payment for the provision and delivery of a Certificate shall be considered to be remitted at the moment of total payment receipt on the account of the Provider.
6.3 The Provider requires the advance remittance of payment for the provision of a Certificate immediately after the confirmation of the order by the Customer, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
6.4 The Provider reserves the right to agree upon payment conditions with the Customer other than those mentioned herein.
6.5 The Provider is a VAT taxable person. The payment may be invoiced without VAT by the Provider only after the validation of the Customer’s registration who is a taxable person. The Customer must enter a valid VAT number in the electronic order in order for an invoice for the provision of a Certificate without VAT to be issued. If the Customer does not enter a valid VAT number at the latest by the binding confirmation of the electronic order, the later notification of this information need not be accepted by the Provider.
6.6 The Provider does not accept payment by cheque.
6.7 The Provider reserves the right to issue discount vouchers under the following conditions:
a) The Provider can issue:
– an individual discount voucher to a specific recipient (Customer) that can be used by the Customer, depending on its type, only once, i.e. related to one order or repeatedly for several orders; or
– a general discount voucher that does not indicate the recipient (or in the form of publication in a newspaper, etc.), in which such voucher may be used by the Customer repeatedly;
b) discount vouchers are a marketing instrument that are issued by the Provider irregularly based on its consideration, while the Customer has no legal right to such vouchers whatsoever;
c) each discount voucher contains an identification code, a date until which the discount voucher is valid, and the amount in EUR of the discount voucher’s value;
d) discount vouchers may not be used retroactively, but rather only with a new order and that no later than when filling out the electronic order by indicating the discounted amount and the identification code that are indicated on the discount voucher;
e) discount vouchers may not be used after their expiry date;
f) discount vouchers have no monetary value and, in the case of their expiry, loss, or theft (in the case of an individual discount voucher), the Customer may not request their replacement or cash compensation;
g) it is assumed that the vouchers are used by the Customer in good faith. If the Provider has a reasonable suspicion that a voucher was used unjustifiably or in breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Provider shall be entitled to reject or cancel any vouchers issued as of that moment, and the respective Customer shall have no right to any claims from the Provider as a result of such rejection or cancellation.
6.8 In the case of a delay in the payment of remuneration on the part of the Customer (missed due date of the invoice), unless the parties hereto agreed on payment after the Certificate’s provision, the Provider is entitled to penalty interest amounting to 0.5% of the owed amount for every day of delay until its payment in full. If the Customer fails to pay even in the additional period stated by the Provider in a written notice (sent by e-mail), the Provider is no longer bound by the confirmed order(s), and has the right to withdraw from the Contract on Provision of the Certificate.
7.1 Time limits to perform the order and to obtain the Certificate differ, and depend on the type, model and particular make of vehicle.
7.2 The time limit for obtaining individual Certificates given on the web page www.eurococ.eu is for informational purposes only, and depends on the conditions of other business partners of the Provider. The time limit may differ in exceptional circumstances.
7.3 Prices and delivery times are valid only in the official languages of the website, and not those created via automatic web translations tools.
7.4 The waiting period for payment remittance by the Customer is not included in the time limit determined for the provision and delivery of the Certificate. The delivery time of the Certificate (delivery service itself by post or courier) is not reflected in the time limit.
7.5 Should the Provider be unable to provide the Certificate in the agreed time limit, or if circumstances arise that were unpredictable at the time of the contract conclusion that present an objective impediment that prevent the Provider from meeting the agreed time limit, the Provider shall be obliged to notify the Customer of this status without any undue delay and notify the Customer of the new expected date of provision of the Certificate, while the Customer agrees hereto. If the Provider fails to provide the Certificate even in the additional reasonable period of time, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract. However, if the Customer has expressly informed the Provider at the beginning that it is interested only in the timely provision of the Certificate, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract without granting any additional reasonable period of time. The Provider shall then return the payment to the Customer without undue delay, at latest within 14 days as of such withdrawal, in the same manner as the payment was remitted.
7.6 In the case of a Provider’s delay in the provision of the Certificate of more than 21 days from the original date, the Customer shall have the right to a discount of EUR 50 from the purchase price. A discount shall be provided to a Customer based on a voucher in accordance with Clause 6.7 of these Terms and Conditions.
7.7 The Customer shall be notified of the Certificate delivery by e-mail no later than one day before its provision in compliance with Clause 12.1 hereto.
7.8 The delivery of the Certificate to the delivery address is ensured by the Provider, however, the costs of delivery shall be borne by the Customer. The Provider enables delivery of the Certificate by different courier services, and the costs of delivery of the Certificate shall depend on the chosen courier service. The costs will be determined within the last step of approval of the electronic order by the Customer, and invoiced to the Customer in this amount together with the remuneration.
7.9 The Customer shall be obliged to ensure the trouble-free take-over of the Certificate; in particular, the Customer shall be available at the telephone number specified for the delivery on the day of the planned delivery or shall be present at the delivery address; in particular the Customer shall have a correctly and properly marked mail box. If this duty cannot be met, the Customer shall be obliged to notify the Provider in advance in order to arrange another delivery date or to specify a substitute that will meet the duty of takeover of the Certificate for the original delivery recipient. Should the Customer fail to do so, the Certificate will be deposited at the nearest Access Point, while the Customer will be notified accordingly on the deposition and possibility to collect the Certificate from the respective Access Point within a certain period. If the Customer fails to collect the Certificate from the Access Point, the Certificate will be returned at the cost of the Customer to the Provider, and the Provider shall not be obliged to perform any other attempt of delivery.
7.10 If the Customer refuses to accept the properly delivered Certificate without reason, the Customer shall be obliged to reimburse the costs incurred to the Provider by the subsequent back-delivery of the Certificate to the Provider.
8.1 The Customer:
- shall have the right to cancel the order, without giving a reason, at any time before payment remittance. Hence, the Customer cannot cancel the order after the payment is remitted to the account of the Provider;
- may not withdraw from the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate according to the Act no. 108/2024 Coll., on consumer protection and the Article 16 of the Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights, as the Contract on the Provision of a Certificate is a distance contract subject matter of which is the supply of the Certificate made to the Customer’s specifications.
8.2 The Provider reserves the right to refuse the order or withdraw from the contract in the following cases:
- if the Customer has any outstanding liabilities from previous periods towards the Provider at the time of the electronic order entry;
- if the Certificate is unavailable; or
- if, even by exerting the necessary effort that is reasonably expected from the Provider, the Provider is not able to deliver the Certificate to the Customer within the agreed time limit and/or for the agreed upon payment, respectively for the price given on the website eurococ.eudue to the fact that the price specified by the subcontractor has substantially changed, and unless otherwise agreed upon between the parties; if such a situation arises, the Provider shall inform the Customer immediately of this situation, and if the Customer has already made the payment, the paid amount shall be refunded to the Customer without undue delay, at the latest within 14 days, in the same manner as the payment was remitted, whereby the costs for the bank transfer shall always be borne by the Customer.
9.1 The Provider shall be responsible only for the authenticity (originality) of the issued Certificate. The Provider shall not be liable for the content and the accuracy of the Certificate, for which the entity (producer of vehicle) that issued the Certificate is responsible.
9.2 In the event that the competent authority in the EC type-approval procedure of the individually imported vehicle does not recognize the issued Certificate due to its inaccuracy, and the Customer demonstrates rejection of the Certificate by submitting the original of such official decision together with the respective Certificate, the Provider undertakes to return the full price to the Customer. However, the Provider shall not be responsible for any damages occurred to the Customer due to the non-recognition of the Certificate by the competent authority.
9.3 Further, the Provider shall not be liable for:
- late delivery of the Certificate caused by the deliverer (registered post or courier);
- late delivery of the Certificate caused by the wrong address of the recipient entered by the Customer;
- damage of the delivery caused by the deliverer (registered post or courier);
- wrong data on the Certificate caused by the incorrect completion of the order by the Customer;
- loss of delivery caused by the wrong address of the recipient entered by the Customer;
- rejection to register a vehicle on the basis of the Certificate for non-compliance with the instructions by the Customer, in particular instructions in accordance with Clause 3.1 c) of these Terms and Conditions.
10.1 The Customer shall notify the Provider by phone: +421 233 221 404 or e-mail: info@eurococ.eu of any defects of the Certificate without undue delay, however, no later than within 24 months of the takeover of the Certificate. The Customer shall then send the respective Certificate together with the invoice to the address of the Provider’s registered office. Upon receipt of the Certificate which is subject of the complaint and after recognizing the merits of the claim of the Customer, the Provider shall be obligated to contact the Customer in order to agree on the manner in which the complaint will be resolved. The Provider will process the complaint without undue delay, at the latest within 30 days from the day of receipt of the complaint.
10.2 The Provider shall be liable only for those defects in the Certificate that were caused by the Provider. The Customer shall have the right to request the elimination of defects from the Certificate with the delivery of a new Certificate at the cost of the Provider. If the Provider is not able to ensure a new Certificate, or if its provision would involve unreasonable costs, or if the Provider does not ensure the Certificate in an appropriate additional period of time, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract and to claim a refund of payment, then the conditions under the Clause 4.2 hereof apply accordingly.
10.3 In the case of any defects of the Certificate, the liability for which lies with the Customer (e.g. due to the incorrect filling in of the electronic order according to Clause 2.3 of these Terms and Conditions) or defects of the Certificate, the liability for which lies with the producer of the vehicle itself (e.g. error in the VIN number of the vehicle or another serious flaw in the written form that is a cause for rejection to provide the corresponding Certificate), upon the request of the Customer the Provider shall provide cooperation in order to carry out an improvement, especially to provide a new Certificate without defects. Cooperation in accordance with the previous sentence shall in no way be considered acceptance of liability on the part of the Provider for such defects of the Certificate. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the costs incurred in the provision of a new Certificate without defects are to be covered by the Customer.
10.4 Should the relevant authority decide not to acknowledge a Certificate due to defects that the Provider is liable for, and the Customer documents this to the Provider within the period stated in accordance with Clause 10.21 above by submitting a written decision of the relevant authority regarding the rejection of the Certificate and the original Certificate, the Provider shall be obliged to refund the Customer 100% of the paid remuneration, i.e. the 100% Money Back Guarantee. However, the Provider shall not be responsible for any damages occurred to the Customer due to defects of the Certificate.
10.5 In the case that the Customer is a natural person – consumer, the complaint shall proceed according to the legal provisions of the Civil Code, in the case of entrepreneurs according to the relevant provisions of the Commercial Code.
10.6 In the case that the Customer (natural person – consumer) is not satisfied with the manner in which its complaint was settled or believes that its rights have been violated, the consumer has the right to file a proposal to launch an alternative dispute resolution to an ADR entity within the meaning of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution. Alternative dispute resolution can only be applied for a dispute the value of which exceeds EUR 20. The ADR entity is the Slovak Trade Inspection or another legal entity entered in the list of ADR entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. The proposal may be submitted by the consumer to the ADR entity in paper form, in electronic form or orally in the minutes. More detailed information on ADR is available at the Ministry’s website at www.economy.gov.sk or at the SOI website at www.soi.sk.
11.1 Please read more on personal data protection in our Privacy Policy.
12.1 The Customer will receive notifications from the Provider about changes to the status of its order. Notification of the current status of the order will be sent to the e-mail address of the Customer (approximately six e-mails), especially calls for payment, information on the receipt of the payment, and information on the shipment of the Certificate. The registered client may unsubscribe at any time from receiving e-mail notifications.
12.2 When registering at the web page of the Provider, the Customer may choose to receive the Provider’s regular newsletters (approximately once every six to eight weeks). If the Customer wishes to receive the newsletter, it will be sent to the e-mail address indicated during the Customer’s registration. The Customer can unsubscribe at any time from receiving the newsletter from the Provider.
13.1 The Provider reserves the right to a one-sided amendment hereto. Each amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall be valid when the Terms and Conditions are published on www.eurococ.eu in the full text (and the latest version); Terms and Conditions that are changed in this way shall come into force on the date specified therein, but not before the publication thereof on the web page.
13.2 However, the Terms and Conditions shall be applicable to the individual relation between the Customer and Provider in the wording that was in force on the day the binding confirmation of the electronic order was sent by the Customer, unless the parties agreed otherwise in writing.
13.3 These Terms and Conditions shall come into force and effect as of their publishing on the web page www.eurococ.eu on 17.9.2024.