13 December 2022

Need A Swedish Number Plate? Here’s The Fast And Easy Way

13 December 2022 4 min read

Swedish number plates are very distinctive and are compulsory for any car owner in Sweden.

The process of registering your car for a Swedish number plate can be complex, depending on the make and model of your vehicle. This guide will help you through the process, step by step.

How Does The Swedish Car Registration System Work?

If you plan to drive in Sweden, find out if you can use your current driver’s licence here (Körkort) or if you need a new one.

After one year as a resident, you will usually need to obtain Swedish licence plates. To do this, contact the Swedish Transport Administration.

In Sweden, you also need to get familiar with Swedish traffic rules, signs, and parking rules. Before you are given a Swedish driving licence, you will undergo two tests – one theoretical and one practical – to prove that you are capable of driving safely.

A registration certificate is issued for all vehicles registered in Sweden and it consists of two parts – Part 1 and Part 2. Registration certificates can be ordered here.

Part 1 of the certificate mostly contains the vehicle’s technical details and is sent to anyone who owns or uses the vehicle. The certificate is free and will be delivered to the address listed in the Swedish Road Traffic Registry.

For vehicles with a lease arrangement, Part 1 of the registration certificate will be sent to the person that is driving the leased vehicle.

Part 1 of the certificate includes information like:

  • The vehicle’s general data.
  • The vehicle’s technical data.
  • Information on the vehicle’s owner or user.
  • Details on credit purchases or leasing.
  • An authorization code for making applications via transportstyrelsen.se.
  • The section that you need to create a written application for ordering plates, licensing a vehicle, making off-road notifications, and ordering Part 2 of the Registration Certificate.

Part 2 of the certificate belongs to the person that owns the vehicle on the Swedish Road Traffic Register. For a lease agreement, Part 2 will be sent to the person giving out the vehicle.

Part 2 of the registration certificate is very important and needs to be sent alongside a change of ownership application, even selling the vehicle to a dealer.

This certificate consists of:

  • Information on the vehicle’s current owner.
  • Information on up to 3 of the vehicle’s previous owners or users.
  • The vehicle’s general information.
  • The section that is required when making a written application for either a change of ownership or deregistering the vehicle.

In Sweden, when importing a new vehicle that has not been registered before, you will need to submit a Certificate of Conformity.

The European Certificate of Conformity (COC) is a document stating that a vehicle conforms to European traffic standards and is often issued by the manufacturer. If order a COC from EUROCOC, it will be delivered to you quickly.

How To Apply For Swedish Number Plates?

The process of getting a Swedish number plate is included in the entire vehicle registration procedure, after which you will get Swedish licence plates.

What Is The Cost Of Swedish Number Plates?

The amount needed to get regular Swedish licence plates is around €45.

What Do Swedish Car Number Plates Look Like?

Standard Sweden licence plates have black letters on a white background.

The general design of the Swedish plate, like other EU plates, consists of a blue area with 12 yellow circular stars to the left – representing the EU flag, accompanied by the country code of Sweden, ‘S’.

A single-row licence plate, which is used for most types of vehicles, has a dimension of 520 x 110 mm (20.5 inches x 4.3 inches).

Format Of Swedish Number Plates

Swedish plates contain 3 letters, a space, 2 digits, and either 1 digit or 1 letter. Previously, the space was used for a tax sticker, but recent designs have reduced space.

The format for Sweden licence plates is ‘ABC 123’ or ‘ABC 12A’. The registration number is related to a vehicle’s VIN number.

What Types Of Swedish licence Plates Exist?

Special Swedish licence plates include those of dealers, diplomats, the military, temporary licences, and custom licence plates.

Swedish Custom Number Plates

You can customize the characters on your Swedish licence plates for a fee of €590. Offensive or political words are not allowed.

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